Jun 30Liked by Dr Andreas Matthias

Like you, I appreciated the fictional pieces on Plato and Gambo Lai Lai. I also came to philosophy through reading the Tai of Physics, Erik van Daniken, Herman Hesse, and such-like. So, when I realised in my 30s that I could actually go to University, I chose philosophy/comparative religion. I soon found out that academic philosophy was very different from what I thought it was, however. But I loved it. It exposed me to so many different ideas and taught me to think and be critical. So, I agree, artistic explorations and academic philosophy are very different but there's room in our brains and lives for both.

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Yes, and like Tartaglia, I find academic philosophy very often quite sterile and irrelevant. Many philosophers just publish something in order for it to be cited once or twice and never be seen again. It's a total waste of human potential, and often degenerates into a career game, where it's only about the publications, the journal rank, but not the content. I had some colleagues in the past who even prided themselves on *not* knowing any classic philosophy but only their tiny technical area of specialisation. I always found this pitiful and absurd. (But one must admit that they had more impressive careers than I do :)) -- So yes, I also think that philosophy should have a lot more public influence. And there seems to actually be an audience for it -- here and on YouTube, for instance. So there is hope. Thanks!

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I agree! But I think your career and what you are doing is pretty impressive!

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